Croatian CW Contest 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A5MR
Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23
Band QSOs Mults
160: 120 31
80: 289 40
40: 295 49
20: 250 46
15: 46 18
10: 0 0
Total: 1000 184 Total Score = 843,456
Conditions were very poor especially on higher bands. 10 meters has never opened
here, I think it cant get much worse. Highlight was QSO with AL7R on 160 meters.
We had lot of problem with snow and high SWR on our spiderbeam antenna.
Considering all problems we are satisfied with our final result. See you in CQ
WW 160 meters Contest in January.
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU
Class: SOAB(A) LP
Operating Time (hrs): 35
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 223 11 55
80: 372 20 75
40: 308 32 130
20: 169 30 84
15: 169 30 84
10: 26 10 20
Total: 1267 133 448 Total Score = 1,313,641
Mostly s&p with some occasional runs on 160/80/40. First time on with new
Titanex V160HD vertical which performed very well with low power especially on
160 meters. Good mult score, but should have done better with more running, but
with 10&15 poor as they were no chance for more running with low power. DX
cluster spots made chaos on any rare mult. Thanks for all QSOs and see you all
in 9ACW Contest on 15/16 December,
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A6JLM
Class: M/S LP
Operating Time (hrs): 34
Band QSOs Pts State/Prov DX Zones
80: 172 359 5 46 9
40: 302 690 19 78 24
20: 326 796 26 73 31
15: 90 226 0 50 21
10: 24 50 0 17 5
Total: 914 2121 50 264 90 Total Score = 856,884
Very poor propagation. Mr. Murphy was very active, our 2 element quad came down
in the high winds on Friday before contest. We were forced to operate with
vertical on high bands until Sunday afternoon, when we put up new Spiderbeam.
Also one of our computer broke down (CPU), So we had no multiplier station from
Saturday afternoon onwards. But considering whole situation we are very
sattisfied with our score., especially on 40 & 20 meters.
IOTA Contest 2007
Call: 9A7T/P
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A4KJ, 9A4OP, 9A5MR, 9A2QF, Antonio
Category : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS)
Overlay : DX-pedition
Class : Low Power (LP)
IOTA : EU-136
Island : Trstenik
Operating time : 24h
80 103 28 202 42
40 158 43 362 61
20 529 79 216 58
15 94 38 69 35
10 6 5 8 6
TOTAL 890 193 857 202
TOTAL SCORE 5 373 975
Soapbox: We started on 15 meters with mult station on 20, and then 120+/hr rate on 20 meter run, and during night we had good runs and mult harvest on 40 & 80 meters. We used for the first time Win-test software which worked flawlesly in the network without any outages.
Russian DX Contest 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU,9A2NO,9A4KJ,9A5MR
Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Countries Oblasts
160: 139 6 34 22
80: 185 91 46 37
40: 259 64 52 52
20: 272 214 48 69
15: 175 46 48 31
10: 2 1 3 1
Total: 1032 422 231 212 Total Score = 4,553,154
Comments: Nice activity from Russia. Great contest and we are pleased
with our score in mediocre propagation.
CQ World Wide WPX Contest, RTTY 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A7JLI, SIKA
Class: M/S LP
QTH: Falascak
Operating time: 38h13
Band QSO Pfx Points
80 223 109 533
40 362 175 1090
20 358 165 732
15 104 51 258
10 0 0 0
Total 1047 0 500 2613 Total score : 1 306 500
Comments: The best RTTY contest ever, first time over 1000 QSOs in any RTTY contest.
CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A5MR, 9A2NO, 9A4M
Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 20
Total: QSOs = 631 State/Prov = 17 Countries = 62 Total Score = 263,860
Comments: Conditions were fair. We had some problems with our Inv. L antenna and we could run
only abt 500 Watts and SWR was vy unstable, because WX conditions were very wet.
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A5MR
Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23
Band QSOs Mults
160: 120 31
80: 289 40
40: 295 49
20: 250 46
15: 46 18
10: 0 0
Total: 1000 184 Total Score = 843,456
Conditions were very poor especially on higher bands. 10 meters has never opened
here, I think it cant get much worse. Highlight was QSO with AL7R on 160 meters.
We had lot of problem with snow and high SWR on our spiderbeam antenna.
Considering all problems we are satisfied with our final result. See you in CQ
WW 160 meters Contest in January.
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU
Class: SOAB(A) LP
Operating Time (hrs): 35
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 223 11 55
80: 372 20 75
40: 308 32 130
20: 169 30 84
15: 169 30 84
10: 26 10 20
Total: 1267 133 448 Total Score = 1,313,641
Mostly s&p with some occasional runs on 160/80/40. First time on with new
Titanex V160HD vertical which performed very well with low power especially on
160 meters. Good mult score, but should have done better with more running, but
with 10&15 poor as they were no chance for more running with low power. DX
cluster spots made chaos on any rare mult. Thanks for all QSOs and see you all
in 9ACW Contest on 15/16 December,
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A6JLM
Class: M/S LP
Operating Time (hrs): 34
Band QSOs Pts State/Prov DX Zones
80: 172 359 5 46 9
40: 302 690 19 78 24
20: 326 796 26 73 31
15: 90 226 0 50 21
10: 24 50 0 17 5
Total: 914 2121 50 264 90 Total Score = 856,884
Very poor propagation. Mr. Murphy was very active, our 2 element quad came down
in the high winds on Friday before contest. We were forced to operate with
vertical on high bands until Sunday afternoon, when we put up new Spiderbeam.
Also one of our computer broke down (CPU), So we had no multiplier station from
Saturday afternoon onwards. But considering whole situation we are very
sattisfied with our score., especially on 40 & 20 meters.
IOTA Contest 2007
Call: 9A7T/P
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A4KJ, 9A4OP, 9A5MR, 9A2QF, Antonio
Category : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS)
Overlay : DX-pedition
Class : Low Power (LP)
IOTA : EU-136
Island : Trstenik
Operating time : 24h
80 103 28 202 42
40 158 43 362 61
20 529 79 216 58
15 94 38 69 35
10 6 5 8 6
TOTAL 890 193 857 202
TOTAL SCORE 5 373 975
Soapbox: We started on 15 meters with mult station on 20, and then 120+/hr rate on 20 meter run, and during night we had good runs and mult harvest on 40 & 80 meters. We used for the first time Win-test software which worked flawlesly in the network without any outages.
Russian DX Contest 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU,9A2NO,9A4KJ,9A5MR
Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Countries Oblasts
160: 139 6 34 22
80: 185 91 46 37
40: 259 64 52 52
20: 272 214 48 69
15: 175 46 48 31
10: 2 1 3 1
Total: 1032 422 231 212 Total Score = 4,553,154
Comments: Nice activity from Russia. Great contest and we are pleased
with our score in mediocre propagation.
CQ World Wide WPX Contest, RTTY 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A7JLI, SIKA
Class: M/S LP
QTH: Falascak
Operating time: 38h13
Band QSO Pfx Points
80 223 109 533
40 362 175 1090
20 358 165 732
15 104 51 258
10 0 0 0
Total 1047 0 500 2613 Total score : 1 306 500
Comments: The best RTTY contest ever, first time over 1000 QSOs in any RTTY contest.
CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2007
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A5MR, 9A2NO, 9A4M
Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 20
Total: QSOs = 631 State/Prov = 17 Countries = 62 Total Score = 263,860
Comments: Conditions were fair. We had some problems with our Inv. L antenna and we could run
only abt 500 Watts and SWR was vy unstable, because WX conditions were very wet.