CQ WW RTTY Contest 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A4OP, 9A5BCL, 9A5MR, 9A7TM
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S LP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 38
Band QSOs Pts State/Prov DX Zones
80: 131 267 1 45 10
40: 129 293 12 59 15
20: 176 434 24 59 22
15: 399 1073 43 78 31
10: 148 401 21 60 29
Total: 983 2468 101 301 107
Total Score = 1 256 212
Comments: Too much Murphy's help. Chip in one RTTY interface blown away, too much RF feedback, PCs frozen... But anyway we had fun. Some new operators added to our contest crew. Fine friendship, good cooking and nice wine and few beers... Higher bands were great, 10 meters excellent,
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
CQ WPX CW Contest 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A7TM
Category: M/S LP
QTH: Falašćak
Operating time: 48h
160 0 0 0 0
80 0 0 0 0
40 500 309 1743 3,49
20 800 328 1688 2,11
15 950 402 1976 2,08
10 126 38 252 2,00
TOTAL 2376 1077 5659 2,38
FINAL SCORE: 6 089 084
Almost half of our QSOs were multipliers. We took advntage of WW skimmers and picked most of our QSOs s&p. In first 4 hours of the contest we had rate of around 75 s&p only and 95% of our QSOs were multipliers. Conditions were excellent on 15 and 20 meters was wide opened for 24 hours. 40 meters brought us 190 6 pointers. We enjoyed the contest very much and
we'll be back again.
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
CQ-M International DX Contest 2013
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak Operating
Time (hrs): 24
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Mults
160: 74 16 33
80: 104 8 31
40: 267 14 46
20: 291 180 73
15: 258 40 61
10: 27 3 19
Total: 1021 261 263
Total Score = 729,562
Propagation was relatively poor and 10 meters was dissapointing. CU in WPX CW in two weeks, hoping for better props.
Japan International DX CW Contest 2013
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A5MR, 9A4KJ, 9A2EU
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 14
Band QSOs Mults
160: 2 2
80: 7 6
40: 38 21
20: 45 22
15: 124 40
10: 35 20
Total: 251 111
Total Score = 33,189
Poor conditions on all bands, especially 20 meters was very poor. We made only half QSOs from last year. We hope for bettet propagation next time. CU all in ARI Contest! 73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
Russian DX Contest 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A5MR, 9A7TM, 9A6ARP
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Countries Oblasts
160: 136 24 44 44
80: 271 97 57 55
40: 271 54 69 65
20: 192 205 73 72
15: 175 146 72 74
10: 210 112 66 66
Total: 1226 667 381 376
Total Score = 10,189,220
This was great RDXC again. Great propagation on all bands. Great signals from Far East Russia on 40-10 meters.
We broke our club record for more than 3 million points and 120 multipliers. CU again next year! 73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
ARRL DX Contest, SSB 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU
Station: 9A7T
Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 9
Band QSOs Mults
80: 16 7
40: 60 24
20: 205 38
15: 347 48
10: 419 56
Total: 1047 173
Total Score = 543,393
Operated just Sunday afternoon and evening. Great conditions on high bands. See you all in RDXC in two weeks!
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
UBA DX Contest, CW 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A7TM
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 21
Band QSOs Mults
80: 217 44
40: 207 41
20: 257 51
15: 123 39
10: 60 23
Total: 864 198
Total Score = 502,326
After one and half hour into the contest we lost electic power and it came back after 3 hours.
Anyway we decided to work until the end. It was nice to work all of you. CU in RDXC in 3 weeks.
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
Call: 9A7T
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A4OP, 9A5BCL, 9A5MR, 9A7TM
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S LP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 38
Band QSOs Pts State/Prov DX Zones
80: 131 267 1 45 10
40: 129 293 12 59 15
20: 176 434 24 59 22
15: 399 1073 43 78 31
10: 148 401 21 60 29
Total: 983 2468 101 301 107
Total Score = 1 256 212
Comments: Too much Murphy's help. Chip in one RTTY interface blown away, too much RF feedback, PCs frozen... But anyway we had fun. Some new operators added to our contest crew. Fine friendship, good cooking and nice wine and few beers... Higher bands were great, 10 meters excellent,
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
CQ WPX CW Contest 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operators: 9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A7TM
Category: M/S LP
QTH: Falašćak
Operating time: 48h
160 0 0 0 0
80 0 0 0 0
40 500 309 1743 3,49
20 800 328 1688 2,11
15 950 402 1976 2,08
10 126 38 252 2,00
TOTAL 2376 1077 5659 2,38
FINAL SCORE: 6 089 084
Almost half of our QSOs were multipliers. We took advntage of WW skimmers and picked most of our QSOs s&p. In first 4 hours of the contest we had rate of around 75 s&p only and 95% of our QSOs were multipliers. Conditions were excellent on 15 and 20 meters was wide opened for 24 hours. 40 meters brought us 190 6 pointers. We enjoyed the contest very much and
we'll be back again.
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
CQ-M International DX Contest 2013
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak Operating
Time (hrs): 24
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Mults
160: 74 16 33
80: 104 8 31
40: 267 14 46
20: 291 180 73
15: 258 40 61
10: 27 3 19
Total: 1021 261 263
Total Score = 729,562
Propagation was relatively poor and 10 meters was dissapointing. CU in WPX CW in two weeks, hoping for better props.
Japan International DX CW Contest 2013
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A5MR, 9A4KJ, 9A2EU
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 14
Band QSOs Mults
160: 2 2
80: 7 6
40: 38 21
20: 45 22
15: 124 40
10: 35 20
Total: 251 111
Total Score = 33,189
Poor conditions on all bands, especially 20 meters was very poor. We made only half QSOs from last year. We hope for bettet propagation next time. CU all in ARI Contest! 73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
Russian DX Contest 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A5MR, 9A7TM, 9A6ARP
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Countries Oblasts
160: 136 24 44 44
80: 271 97 57 55
40: 271 54 69 65
20: 192 205 73 72
15: 175 146 72 74
10: 210 112 66 66
Total: 1226 667 381 376
Total Score = 10,189,220
This was great RDXC again. Great propagation on all bands. Great signals from Far East Russia on 40-10 meters.
We broke our club record for more than 3 million points and 120 multipliers. CU again next year! 73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
ARRL DX Contest, SSB 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU
Station: 9A7T
Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 9
Band QSOs Mults
80: 16 7
40: 60 24
20: 205 38
15: 347 48
10: 419 56
Total: 1047 173
Total Score = 543,393
Operated just Sunday afternoon and evening. Great conditions on high bands. See you all in RDXC in two weeks!
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
UBA DX Contest, CW 2014
Call: 9A7T
Operator(s): 9A2EU, 9A4KJ, 9A5MR, 9A7TM
Station: 9A7T
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Falascak
Operating Time (hrs): 21
Band QSOs Mults
80: 217 44
40: 207 41
20: 257 51
15: 123 39
10: 60 23
Total: 864 198
Total Score = 502,326
After one and half hour into the contest we lost electic power and it came back after 3 hours.
Anyway we decided to work until the end. It was nice to work all of you. CU in RDXC in 3 weeks.
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU